Success Stories & Case Studies

Mortgage Industry Success Stories & Case Studies

The mortgage and real estate industries are made up of individuals and companies working collaboratively to assist clients in purchasing residential

Mortgage Industry Success Stories & Case Studies
Mortgage Industry Success Stories & Case Studies

properties through loans from banks or lenders backed by promises to repay with interest over time. Lenders tend to be banks or financial institutions who use money they receive from investors purchasing mortgage-backed securities on secondary markets to give out these loans.

Home buying can be one of the most thrilling yet financially risky transactions that most people undertake during their lives, but with help and advice from knowledgeable professionals, this process can become enjoyable and stress-free.

Mortgage brokers are taking advantage of the rising demand for residential properties to utilize their knowledge of the industry and cutting-edge technology to guide clients through its complex process. From creating digital experiences for borrowers to making applications simpler, these industry innovators are finding unique ways to stand out in this competitive space.

As the housing market cooled and mortgage originations fell, some smart lenders used data-driven analysis to find opportunities to increase profitability and sustainably grow in an unfavorable environment. Read how one lender created an innovative borrower portal with advanced capabilities and efficient processes, thereby exceeding client satisfaction benchmarks while cutting costs.

Farlene knew she needed a change and knew the mortgage industry could offer both new challenges and an income opportunity. Read her success as a wholesale mortgage originator with minimal startup investment attracting customers through online directories, email marketing campaigns, local events sponsorships and sponsorships.

Michael Mikhail founded Stratton Equities with just $1,000, quickly growing it into one of the leading hard money and non-QM lenders. Now grossing over $3 Million annually and offering exclusive loan programs nationwide. Crediting his success to providing superior customer service, networking with other mortgage professionals through industry directories and events as well as using social media marketing, Michael credits Stratton Equities’ success to providing quality customer experiences and effectively using these channels to attract new customers.

Neil and his wife thought they could afford an upgrade from their starter flat with their budget, however when they applied for a mortgage with their current lender they discovered they had underestimated what loan would qualify them for – this led them to find Mortgage Advice Point and work together with them to get what they needed.

US Mortgage Corporation asked us to help improve their Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns focused around their 203K home renovation loans. By targeting specific keywords and using callouts in our campaigns, we helped reduce spending while simultaneously increasing conversions – leading to reduced spending by thousands while simultaneously increasing conversions. Now they use ACES’ data to make informed decisions, run projections, and build stronger mortgage businesses that will withstand future cycles.